What is a Splash and Dash?
A Splash and Dash is a fun and fast-growing sport that combines running and swimming. The Lake Whatcom Triathlon Splash and Dash is focused on fun and participation over competition - we want to introduce kids to how great the multisport life is! Course lengths vary by age (see course descriptions below). We will have volunteers in kayaks on the swim course for safety boats. If a kid competitor needs to take a break mid-swim they can hold on to a boat and catch their breath before heading on towards the run course. Every competitor will be celebrated as they cross the finish line and will go home with an official USAT Splash and Dash medal. Come on out and join the fun!
Splash and Dash Swim Course
AGE 7 - 10 | 100 METER SWIM
AGE 11 - 15 | 200 METER SWIM
Splash and Dash Run Course
AGE 7 - 10 | 1K RUN
AGE 11 - 15 | 2K RUN (2 LAPS)
National Youth Series Events
USA Triathlon offers two youth event programs, the Splash and Dash Series and the Youth Regional Triathlon Series. The events series are broken down by region .
Register for Splash and Dash!
Registration runs right up until race day, or until the race sells out.